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Cookery Cabin

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Cooking and Nutrition


During their time at Pickering Community Junior School children will learn about the seasonality of foods and how it is grown, reared, caught and processed. They will also research different products and understand which are the healthiest and why.

Children will also prepare and cook a variety of foods by following a recipe test they will then evaluate and modify the product or recipe where necessary. 

As part of our DT curriculum offering children get time to learn and develop their cookery skills under the watchful eyes of Mrs Barr a key part of this work is learning about the principles of a healthy diet.


Mrs Barr continues to lead on our cookery work planning the recipes and working with parent volunteers. The Cookery Cabin is being well used throughout the year with all children benefiting from cookery lessons. In our most recent ‘pupil voice’ survey the Cookery Cabin was overwhelmingly the most popular learning space in school!  Mrs Barr has worked really hard to ensure that cookery skills are progressive, health and safety requirements have been met and children enjoy the sessions.





Recipes used in the Cookery Cabin