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Achievement Awards Archive
Achievement Awards 13.03.20
Wonderful suspense writing and giving 100%
Could have had it every week. Impeccably behaved.
A joy to have in class. ARGE contender
Game-changing 500 words writing. Wonderful.
Ultra proud of his writing this week!
Achievement Awards
Full marks on 3 x table!
Brilliant few weeks - well done! Trying hard.
Gone above and beyond with eveything!
Listening to instructions and amazing writing.
Good quality handwriting and impoved style!
Trying really hard in class!
Achievement Awards 28/02/2020
Writing amazing complex sentences independently!
Impressive answers in class and giving 100%
Really impressive effort and trying hard.
Could have this every week! ICT wizz kid and star!
Always happy and smiling - helpful and kind.
Conscientious and brilliant! She's a star learner!
Fractions expert - trying harder than ever!
Producing more work, improved wrtiing and maths!
Half Term Achievement Awards - February 2020
Achievement Awards 7.2.2020
Learning tables and has found fractions easier.
Lots of spelling and reading at home.
Excellent in every way!
Maths work is superb! He's trying really hard!
Perfect in every way, working hard on fractions!
Brilliant writing with accurate spelling!
Thrilled by his increased effort and revision!
Super improved attitude, working hard!
Caring, kind role model, working hard in maths!
Achievement Awards 31.01.2020
Ray of hard working, energetic sunshine!
Perfect role model in and out of class.
What a wonderful additional chapter!
What a wonderful piece of writing this week!
Impressive writing about the digestive system.
Perfect behaviour and times tables wizz!
Bravery in her learning and swimming!
Reading at home and learning times tables!
Achievement Awards 24.01.2020
100% effort and an amazing additional chapter
Determination and trying hard
100% super.Trying hard with fractions & sentences
Voted the kindest in her class by her class
Huge effort in his work and his manners.
What a great smiling friend you are!
Superstar with Superlogo and always happy.
Brilliant and gets on well. Good electricity work
Achievement Awards 17.01.2020
Perfect every day, helpful and brilliant
Matured into the new year and in her work too.
Great suggestions and ideas and made amazing model
What an amazing piece of writing you've produced!
A brilliant character change tries 100% always.
What an amazing job done at school this week!
A delightful girl standing out in numeracy lessons
Smiles everyday, maths reasoning is awesome!
Achievement Awards 10.01.2020
Not giving in when it comes to maths.
Hardworking, polite and a great friend.
Amazing attitude, great to have in class.
Energetic and hard working on comprehension.
New found confidence, getting on, pushing himself.
Made Mr Donald feel welcome and she is a star!
Half Term Achievement Awards - December 2019
Achievement Awards 13.12.20
For working so hard in class!
For being a great friend to others!
For always working hard!
For always trying her best!
For always working diligently!
For always trying so hard!
Achievement Awards 29.11.19
For spotting and correcting her own mistakes!
For trying hard all of the time!
For putting in superb levels of effort!
For always putting others first!
For super work in maths!
For being helpful and hard-working!
For always being ready to learn!
For always being sensible!
For putting in 100% effort!
Achievement Awards 22.11.19
For having an amazing week!
For increasing in confidence!
For always being brilliant!
For demonstrating a fantastic attitude to learning
For putting in loads of effort with homework!
For great improvement in times tables!
For being really sensible and always smiling!
For being a great role model to others!
Achievement Awards 15.11.19
For setting a great example to others!
for growing in confidence!
For superb effort with her reading!
For careful and precise work in art!
For being super positive and helpful!
For showing great determination with his work!
For putting in 100% effort all the time!
For super work during guided reading sessions!
For trying really hard with use of punctuation!
Achievement Awards 8.11.19
For being a great role model and giving 100%
For super effort with his reading!
For superb effort and enthusiasm!
For her developing confidence!
For always listening carefully!
For her developing confidence and enthusiasm!
For superb effort with homework!
Half Term Achievement Awards - October 2019
Achievement Awards 18.10.19
For always having a smile on her face!
For trying hard to use different sentence types!
For being a fantastic member of the class!
For producing some fantastic writing!
For making a fantastic start to Year 3!
For trying hard to challenge herself!
For super effort in dance lessons!
For being a fantastic friend!
Achievement Awards 11.10.19
For super effort in maths and writing!
For being a brilliant friend!
For super concentration when doing addition!
For being very helpful and caring!
For great improvement in his cycling!
For being great at Kodu and a really good friend!
For completing super maths work at home!
For super effort and excellent listening!
Achievement Awards 4.10.19
for fantastic progress in swimming!
for fantastic language choice when writing!
for putting in 100% effort!
for following instructions so brilliantly!
for being super-reliable!
for showing a growth in confidence!
Achievement Awards 27.9.19
for always getting on and giving 100%!
for being a great role model!
for always being so kind and friendly!
for making Miss Turner smile every day!
for putting in 100% effort, especially in science!
for fantastic writing!
for explaining his working brilliantly in maths!
for being really kind and helpful!
Achievement Awards 20.9.19
For producing some very impressive writing!
For always giving 100%!
For super independent work!
For giving 100%, especially in maths!
For putting in 100% effort!
For super effort with his reading!
Achievement Awards 13.9.19
For having a really positive start to the year!
For always smiling and being a good role model!
For concentrating hard and producing good writing!
For always reading lots at home!
For excellent work in maths!
For exceeding Year 5 expectations!
For making an excellent start to Year 6!
For being so caring and considerate to others!
For always listening and working diligently!
Achievement Awards 6.9.19
For settling to her work really well!
For being kind, friendly and hard-working!
For brilliant work in every task, especially art!
For showing great levels of resilience in maths!
For super independent work in maths and writing!
For settling in so brilliantly!
For superb presentation of his work!
For being friendly and supportive of her friends!
For always smiling and giving everything a go!
Half Term Achievement Awards - May 2019
Achievement Awards - 10.5.19
For working consistently hard in lessons!
For super writing!
For great sentence work in English!
For working really hard with her reading!
For trying her best in everything!
For increased confidence in maths!
For great concentration and improved writing!
For improved handwriting and concentration!
For working really hard towards his SATS!
Achievement Awards 3.5.19
For trying really hard in his mocks!
For working hard and putting in lots of effort!
For always working hard, especially in drama!
For trying really hard with her poster!
For putting 100% effort into everything she does!
For working hard during his mocks!
For listening carefully and working hard!
For trying really hard with his homework!
Half Term Achievement Awards - April 2019
Achievement Awards - 5.4.19
for putting in 100%, especially with her reading!
for improving her listening skills!
for putting in loads of effort at home and school!
for always trying his best!
for trying really hard in every lesson!
for putting 100% effort into everything!
for working really hard!
for trying really hard in their PE lessons!
for all round fantastic work!
Achievement Awards 29.3.19
for brilliant descriptive writing!
for working extremely hard during lessons!
for putting a lot of effort into his work!
for having a positive attitude!
for writing a super suspense story!
for putting 100% effort into everything!
for improved handwriting!
for working hard at school and at home!
for putting in a great effort during test week!
Achievement Awards 22.3.19
for improving in writing and maths!
for being amazing at spelling!
for listening carefully and helping others!
for thinking carefully about her use of language!
for growing in independence!
for trying really hard, especially in Literacy!
for showing great determination!
for always putting in 100%!
for amazing writing and a positive outlook!
Achievement Awards - 15.3.19
for putting lots of effort in with her homework!
for always trying his best!
for improved behaviour!
for having lovely manners!
for giving 100% in Breakfast Boosters!
for working super hard!
for having a brilliant attitude!
for concentrating really well!
Achievement Awards - 8.3.19
for answering some tricky questions!
for working really hard, especially in English!
for helping people in her class!
for increased confidence in maths!
for working really hard and checking his work!
for trying really hard!
for fantastic reading and for giving 100%!
for working really hard in maths!
Half Term Achievement Awards - February 2019
Achievement Awards - 15.2.19
For improving his focus and memory!
For increased confidence, particularly in maths!
For working really hard in PE!
For a massive improvement in her maths!
For always trying her best!
For increasing his ability to work independently!
For always trying her best!
Achievement Awards 8.2.19
For putting 100% into everything she does!
For super fraction work!
For showing a great attitude!
For outstanding work in maths!
For excellent fraction work!
For being a great friend to others!
For super effort with his writing!
For always trying his very best!
For trying really hard, especially in his writing!
Achievement Awards 1.2.19
For trying hard in everything he does
For doing everything that is asked of him
For trying really hard with her art work
For trying really hard with her spelling
For putting 100% effort into everything she does
For working hard at home and school
For being a fractions superstar
For superb presentation
Achievement Awards - 25.1.19
for always giving 100%!
for trying really hard with his writing!
for super persuasive writing!
for trying hard and for being a great friend!
for working hard in maths!
for working hard at school and home!
for putting 100% effort into everything she does!
for working hard and listening carefully!
for working really hard in class!
Achievement Awards 18.1.19
For doing really well in maths!
For always being a fantastic role model to others!
For being really responsible!
For producing fabulous writing!
For giving 100%!
For doing really well in swimming and reading!
For producing a fantastic amount of writing!
For producing great work!
For showing great determination!
Achievement Awards 11.1.19
for super behaviour and trying really hard!
fantastic reading comprehension!
for trying hard in cricket and doing extra work!
for being incredibly helpful and mature!
for trying really hard in maths!
for beautiful handwriting and a good attitude!
for being hard-working, polite and enthusiastic!
for trying really hard in all lessons!
Half Term Achievement Awards - December 2018
Achievement Awards 7.12.2018
Works incredibly hard especially in his tests.
Maths superstar, excellent timetables knowledge.
Enthusiastic and hardworking in the Y3 play.
All round superstar with an amazing smile.
Brilliant attitude to work and kind to all.
100% effort in his recent tests.
Working really hard 100% effort is all she does.
Always puts 100% effort in to everything she does.
Achievement Awards 30.11.18
A great friend to many who works hard in class
Always produces high quality work
Learning her lines for the play