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Sporting Events and Competitions

Autumn 1 - House competitions 

Over the previous weeks, the children have competed in inter-house competitions within their PE and Games lessons. The children have used this opportunity to apply the skills they have acquired over prior lessons into a game situation. It has really demonstrated what improvement they have made! Well done to everybody! 


The winning house in each year group are as follows:

Year 3 – 1st – Gresley, 2nd – Moors and Peredurus, 3rd – Keepers

Year 4 – 1st Peredurus, 2nd Gresley, 3rd Moors and Keepers

Year 5 – 1st Gresley and Keepers, 2nd Peredurus, 3rd Moors

Year 6 –  1st Gresley, 2nd Keepers and Peredurus, 3rd Moors

Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Sports Leaders

Lacie Allanson, Scarlett Middleton, Betsy Hornby, Scarlett Harland, Hanna Zmudzka, Niall Ferguson, Charlotte Herring, Harry Mallinson, Matilda Mitchell, Emily Bell, Millie Prest, Charlotte Todd, April Connors, Georgie Wilkie, Immie Wood, Artem Yefremov

Sports Leaders in training

Over the last couple of weeks we have been recruiting for Sports Leaders for the 2024- 2025 calendar year. We were inundated with applications of such high quality which made it a really difficult decision. On Thursday 3rd October, Mrs.Twamley (our SGO) joined us to begin the training for our hopeful leaders. The children participated in a range of playground games and sports as well as working together to come up with their own games and activities they could lead on. The children were exceptional and demonstrated teamwork, motivation and resilience throughout, great attributes to hold moving forward.

Sports Day 2024! 


On Tuesday 2nd July, the weather was on our side and Sports Day took place at PCJS. In the morning, all children participated within their houses in a round robin of activities including: nerf throw, archery, long jump, bean bag throw, hurdles and hockey dribble. In the afternoon, the children took part in three competitive races to earn points for their houses. There was a wonderful community spirit throughout the day with the children encouraging and supporting one another, in their houses as well as their peers. Thank you to all who attended to watch and support the children, we were blown away with the attendance. 


Congratulations to Keeper who were acknowledged as the most supportive and encouraging house during the afternoon events! 

1st - Gresley

2nd - Keepers

3rd - Peraduras

4th - Moors 


At PCJS we keen to ensure that all sporting activities are accessible for everyone. Therefore, we signed up to the national campaign #Letgirlsplay. On Thursday 7th March,35 girls across all year groups took part in a local activity run by our SGO at Lady Lumley's School. The girls took part in range of skill based activities before playing competitively against each other and other schools. The growth in confidence from beginning to end was immeasurable and something we hope to continue to foster and develop. 


"I can't wait to go back to school and join in with football at breaktime" - Year 3

"Are there any girls teams I can join?" - Year 5

"I don't feel as scared or worried to play now. I'm looking forward to tomorrow' - Year 4  


On Friday 8th March, we ran our very own girls football event. We are pleased to say that every girl across the school was involved in a friendly house competition. It was a positive, motivational event where children worked collaboratively, supported and encouraged one another where they all felt confident and part of a team. There was a real buzz about football in school. 


Congratulation to the winning houses:

Year 3/4 - Gresley

Year 5 - Keepers

Year 6 - Gresley 

Reindeer Dash 

This week the children got into the Christmas spirit and joined forces with York Mix radio to complete a Reindeer Dash in order to raise money for St Leonards' Hospice. The children recorded their version of '.... sleeps till Christmas' before completing 5 laps of the playground, wearing their Reindeer antlers chasing an extra special guest....SANTA!! It was wonderful to see the whole school working together towards a shared goal. 


We are pleased to share that we raised £252.00 in total!

Multi-Sports Event at Lady Lumley's School

On Thursday 9th November, a group of children attended a Multi-Sports Hall event at Lady Lumley's School. They took part in a ‘round robin’ of activities and got the opportunity to try different sports such as curling, golf and archery. They completed every activity with huge smiles on their faces and really challenged themselves in each event. We look forward to working closer with Mrs Twamley at Lady Lumley's so we can share these activities with more pupils. 


Year 5 and 6 Rugby Festival 

On Wednesday 18th October, ten of our pupils attended the Rugby Festival at Malton and Norton Rugby Club. They were put through their paces with a range of physical challenges including throwing, catching, tackling and scoring tries. They completed everything with huge smiles on their faces and we look forward to sharing some of the activities back in school.
