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Mrs Morris and Mr. Waterfield

Spring term Year 5 Newsletter

INTERNET SAFETY is very important. This half term, the children have been discussing and examining methods of using the internet safely. How do they keep passwords safe and is it an easy password to guess? How do we find reliable information or communicate using the internet?

Children in Year 5 have been practicing creating effects using dots (pointillism), splashes (splatter painting) and scratches (sgraffito) in readiness for creating Christmas cards!

Please click on the link above to see some of our amazing science learning! 

The children used their knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to separate different materials that had been combined together. They decided as a group how to use filtering, evaporating and sieving.

Play in a Day! The children thoroughly enjoyed learning lines and actions, all in a day, to perform 'Planet Rock' for different classes in school. They were absolutely fantastic!

Internet Safety Week- this week the children learnt all about keeping safe online

Is Earth a sphere or flat? We know the answer- sphere!

World Book Day 2023

Space Sewing
