Stone Age Day - Danby Moors Centre
On Wednesday 23rd October, Year 3 and 4 visited Danby Moors Centre to experience a Stone Age Day. We began the day in the woods where we made shelters using natural resources (just like in the Neolithic period) and experimented making fires using different pieces of apparatus. The children really impressed us with the links they made from the classroom into a real, practical activity. In the afternoon, the children worked together to create a human timeline.
Science Visitors
On Tuesday 1st October, Year 3 and 4 we were lucky enough to be visited by Liz and Maddie from Ryedale Vets to support us with our science topic 'Animals including humans'. The children enjoyed looking at the different skeletons which were brought in and demonstrated their scientific knowledge brilliantly as they used key terminology to identify the bones of the skeletons. In addition to this, they were able to recognise the similarities and differences between the animals and us, as humans. The afternoon ended with the children being shown a range of animal x-rays to try and work out which animal it was. Thank you Liz and Maddie.
Sensory Walk
Today Year 3 and 4 went on a sensory walk around the school grounds to gather vocabulary to use in a setting description they are going to start writing next week.