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Our school values - Tolerance, Ownership, Community, Aspiration, Resilience and Empathy
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NameDate Appointed

Term of Office


Date stepped down/Term of office endedAppointed byCategory

Attendance Record

2022 - 23



or other role

Business, Pecuniary or other InterestsGovernance Roles in any other school

Relationships between governor and members of

the school staff

Mrs Michaela De Barr01.01.18   Headteacher11/11  -Co-opted governor at Pickering Community Infant SchoolHeadteacher at PCJS
Mr Nick Wilkinson10 07 224 FGBCo-opted4/8


Pupil Discipline

School Complaints

Chair FPP


Director of Television House, Pickering-In relationship with member of PCJS staff
Mrs Catherine Lockwood23 06 224 FGBLocal Authority Governor5/8



Pupil Discipline, Staff Discipline

Emily Smeaton10 06 224 parent elected unopposedparent7/8



Staff Discipline

Chair of FGB


Safeguarding Governor

Research School Network - NYorks Coast Research School,

Education Consultant University of York,

York St John Uni ITE lecturer

Ruth Weetman23 06 224 FGBco-opted8/8


Staff Discipline appeals

Vice Chair of FGB

Chair T&L


Equality and SEND governor




21 04 234 parent elected unopposedparent


FPP NoneNoneNone
Sarah Rawlinson10 04 232 staffStaff



Staff member at PCJS

Ashley Hodgson19 09 234 FGBco-optedn/a


 --Family member is on Friends of PCJS
Richard Yeabsley19 09 234 FGBco-optedn/aFPP Councillor - Pickering Town Council--
Suzanne Ashworth14 03 244 Parent appointed by GB due to no election candidatesparentn/a  

Employed at Sinnington Primary School


Vice Chair - Friends of Sarah Louise Ashworth School of Dance 
Eddie Head27 04 234 FGBAssociate Member1/1FPP (H&S) North Yorkshire Fire and RescueNoneNone
Helen McAnulty-RIckard20 09 22415 05 24FGBAssociate member3/3FPP ---
(Mrs Heather Yeabsley)14/07/19413/07/23FGBCo-opted8/8     
(Joanne Goff)02 02 22413 06 23FGBco-opted5/7     
(Mr David Hoyle)10/06/21426 04 23FGBCo-opted0/5     
(Rachel Devine)10 04 21209 04 23staffstaff3/3     
(Sallie Harland)15 10 18(4)20 09 22parent(parent)1/1     


Abbreviations -

Full Governing Body - FGB

Finance, Personnel and Premises committee - FPP

Teaching and Learning committee - T&L

Head teacher Performance Management - HTPM
No longer in role

Welcome to the Governors' section

Governors are supported by the Local Authority (LA) which provides a wide range of support services, information and materials. The LA works to ensure that the crucial role that governors play in the life of North Yorkshire schools is recognised and understood.


Please find above details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

Interested in becoming a governor?
Schools are fascinating places and being a governor can be very enjoyable and worthwhile. Governors come from all sections of the community: parents, staff at the school, businesses and local community representatives - in fact almost anyone. There is always a need for enthusiastic and committed people to serve as governors. Please check out the links below for more information.

Instrument of Government
