Power-Down Pete
Power-Down Pete came to visit Year 3/4 to educate them on the water cycle linked to our 'Misty Mountains and Winding Rivers' theme as well as discuss the importance of looking after our environment and saving water. The children took part in several activities that reinforced this and came away with ways in which they could save water at home such as:
Science week 2024!!
This morning, we explored how we can make our school environment more friendly for insects and creatures. We explored the school grounds and identified where we thought there were good place, bad places and places to be improved. On returning to the classroom, we looked at how we could develop areas around school to encourage wildlife and designed this.
In the afternoon, parents were invited in so we could teach them about science. We chose to put them to the test focusing on electricity, sound, the digestive system and our environment. The children did an excellent job of informing their adult of their prior learning and put them through their paces with some giving them a test. It was wonderful to have adults in to share our learning in school. The children loved being the teachers too!
Art Day- Mosaic Masters
This week, we started exploring mosaics: looking at how they have changed/developed over time and how and where we see them in our everyday life. The children were enthusiastic to share where they had seen examples of mosaics and were impressed to understand that buildings could be Mosaics when we looked at the work of 'Gaudi'. The children explored the colour, design and detail of mosaics over time before choosing their own mosaic to unpick further.
The children ended the day, using their knowledge, to design their own mosaic. Watch this space for their finished product!!
Year 4 have been enjoying their music lessons with Sing Education. This half term they are learning to play the recorder. The children were able to listen carefully and follow instructions to be able to play different notes, they were then able to begin creatings a sequence of notes for their peers to repeat.
Writing - Instructions
This week the children have been writing their own set of instructions, focusing on using adverbials and being clear and specific with their steps. Many children chose to write their set of instructions linked to Halloween, making their own fancy dress costume.