Friends of the School
Who are we?
We are a voluntary group made up of parents, carers and volunteers involved in the school.
What do we do?
We organise fundraising events at school. Over the past year despite a particularly challenging time with very few events taking place, we have remained busy, raising vital fund for the school. Over the past year we have raised almost £5500. The following is a breakdown of how the money was raised:
Easy Fundraising and Amazon Smile: £79.16
Christmas Cards and Christmas Raffle: £1949.30 (which includes 'matchfunding' from Barclays Bank)
Sponsored Read: £411.00
Sponsored Walk: £2973.90
Why do we raise funds?
We raise funds in order to provide a variety of fun and enriching experiences throughout a child's time at school.
Where does the funding go?
In order to enrich the children's curriculum experiences within the school, the Friends of the School fund many experiences and events. Over the past academic year, the Friends of the School have paid for the school planners which are a vital learning tool for all children. Although the current Year 5 were unable to attend the annual Pantomime visit, funds have been set aside to allow them to attend at Christmas 2021. Further to this, the Friends of the School funded the Year 6 Leavers' Photo books, along with the all-important ice lollies which the children love at the sponsored walk and sports day. Over the course of this academic year, the Friends of the School will continue to pledge money towards the school along with numerous other school enrichment activities and have committed to £10 per pupil allocation for each child which will be put towards school trips and days within school.
Can I join the group?
We are always looking for new members and we would love to see some new faces at the meetings. We usually meet once per half term. If you can commit to attend some meetings and make a positive contribution or just help out at events then it will be fantastic to have you there. If you wish to e-mail for more details or to offer support contact Mrs Metcalf via the school office on
Can I just throw a suggestion in?
Yes, just speak to one of us and either come to the next meeting or give us details of your thoughts.
Committee Meetings
We try to meet once in every half term. Dates will be communicated via the school website and on the school newsletter.
We need you!
Friends of the School would be extremely grateful if you could shop via Amazon Smile and Easy Fundraising to support the charity. Simply use the websites and
Just shop in the usual way and Amazon and Easy Fundraising will turn your everyday online shopping into free donations for the Friends of the School charity at no cost to you. Thank you in advance for help and support.